NSUT Delhi Optica Student Chapter

Since 1916, Optica has been the world’s leading champion for optics and photonics, uniting and educating scientists, engineers, educators, technicians and business leaders worldwide to foster and promote technical and professional development

NSUT in the area of optics and photonics

Optical technologies are rapidly emerging due to the enormous bandwidth provided by the optical fiber. Keeping in pace with the rapid development in technology, courses like Optical fiber communication, optical sensors, optical networks, photonic integrated circuits, nano photonics and plasmonics are being taught in the pre-final and final year at the U.G. Level and Optical data processing, optical wireless communication at the P.G. level in NSUT.

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering at NSUT has dedicated lab “Optical communication Research Lab” for Undergraduate, postgraduate and Research scholars. The lab is equipped with both hardware and software such as OptSim simulator and Optiwave simulator.

Presently the faculties at NSUT are undertaking research in following broad areas which are related to optics and photonics:

1. Wireless and Optical Communications: Optical communication, Optical networks, Free space optical communication, Diversity techniques, Space-time coding, Cooperative communication and free space optics. Power line communication and molecular communication, Wireless communication, wavelets, Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, Multi-user based communications, Networking.

2. Optical Networks: Routing and Survivability of optical networks, Performance of Elastic optical network, Performance of SDM-WDM optical networks, Fiber-optic networks, FBG Based sensors, photonic crystal fiber, Fiber-waveguide coupler, and application of machine learning in Optical Networks.

3. Integrated Photonics: Silicon-on-Insulator technology, photonic integrated circuits and components such as ring resonator, power coupler, power splitter, MZI, phase and intensity modulator. Integrated waveguides such as rectangular, rib, slot and silicon nanowire waveguide.

Aim to establish this Chapter

1. Create awareness about the recent research and development mainly related to optics and photonics.

2. Provide students, an opportunity to explore different shades of research in the field of Optics and Photonics.

3. Organize workshops, seminars and technical talks convene knowledge about optics to the students.

4. Conduct different workshops and events will give more opportunities to develop the personality of the student by being involved in management of the events.

5. Create friendly environment with likeminded people, thereby boosting the zeal for research.

6. Create a strong network among students as well as with other outstanding scientists.

Envision chapter's impact on community

The chapter aims to hit the social as well as educational section of the society. Today's research is tomorrow's technology. What researchers achieve today improves the lifestyle of human tomorrow. Research and Development not only aims on highlighting the unique shades of the nature, but also extracts the best of the components from the nature and bring it into use for the liftment of the society.

These factors mandate to look into the world of research. With this chapter, the members can be the outstanding scientists that enrich all the above said agendas. This will not only build the member personally, but also socially. Also, the developments made in this chapter will directly target the general public and their needs and demands.

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